"Cancer: Thriving and Surviving (CTS) Program" is a 6- week workshop developed to help individuals who are cancer survivors to better manage their health and daily lives. Classes are highly participatory. Mutual support and success builds participants’ confidence in their ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives.
Cancer: Thriving and Surviving workshop was adapted from the Chronic Disease Self-management Program developed by Stanford University and has been tested for effectiveness.
Session 1
- Introduction to Workshop
- Group Introductions
- The Mind-Body Connection
- Fatigue Management and Getting Help
- Introduction to Action Plans
Session 2
- Feedback and Problem-Solving
- Dealing with Difficult Emotions
- Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
- Regaining Fitness During and After Cancer Treatment
- Making an Action Plan
Session 3
- Managing Pain
- Living with Uncertainty
- Making Decisions
- Future Plans for Health Care
- Making an Action Plan
Session 4
- Cancer and Changes to Your Body
- Healthy Eating
- Communications Skills
- Problem-Solving
Session 5
- Endurance Exercise
- Making Decisions about Treatment and Complementary Therapies
- Maintaining a Healthy Weight
- Dealing with Depression
- Positive Thinking
Session 6
- Cancer and Relationships
- Guided Imagery
- Working with Your Health Care Professional and Health Care Organization
- Looking Back and Planning for the Future
Workshop Registration
If you would like to attend a Cancer Thriving and Surviving workshop, please visit our upcoming workshop page or contact Sally Kirby at 289-231-0926 for more information.