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- Co-facilitate standardized “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” Workshop at various locations in the community as assigned by the program coordinator. (Groups are always led by pairs of leaders, working together.)
- Commit to facilitate a minimum of one full series every 6 months – 1 year
- Distribute, collect and record required participant data, such as attendance sheets and evaluation forms, and return these to the program coordinator as outlined in workshop checklist.
- Work together with co-leader to fairly share the work load of all preparation, teaching and follow-up activities required
- Notify program coordinator of equipment and material needs at the sites
- Notify program coordinator of all concerns regarding: facilities, class participants, and co-leader
- Identify participants for future leader trainings and notify program coordinator of interest
- Teach only as directed in the leader’s manual without additions or deletions
- Refrain from giving personal advice, selling or endorsing particular products to class participants
- Keep program coordinator updated on his/her availability to facilitate workshops
- Assist program staff, if possible, with various other duties as designated and approved by the coordinator, i.e. recruiting class participants, promoting program
- Arrange own transportation
- Abide by program rules and expectations
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This program made me aware that there is a common denominator for many health conditions. As a result of this class I feel better prepared to help myself and reach my goals